UbiComp / ISWC 2023
UbiComp / ISWC returns to face-to-face conference!
The conference will be held from 8-12th October, 2023 in Cancún, Mexico.
Registrations Live! Early Deadline: August 8, 2023.
UbiComp / ISWC is a premier interdisciplinary venue in which leading international researchers, designers, developers, and practitioners in the field present and discuss novel results in all aspects of ubiquitous, pervasive and wearable computing. This includes the design, development, and deployment of ubiquitous, pervasive and wearable computing technologies and the understanding of human experiences and social impacts that these technologies facilitate.
The conference will be held on 8-12th October, 2023 in Cancún, Mexico. More information regarding the program, attendance and paper calls will be available soon.
Papers published by the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) are invited to present at the main technical tracks of the conference. UbiComp / ISWC also features a separate track for ISWC Briefs and Notes, as well as Workshops, Tutorials, Posters & Demos, Student Challenges, a Doctoral Symposium, and an array of Keynotes.
Registration is now open! Join us for UbiComp/ISWC 2023 in-person!
We are excited to see the community back together in the beautiful Cancun, Mexico.
Conference Start:
October 10, 2023
Pre-Conference (Workshops, Tutorials, Symposia, DC):
October 8-9, 2023