Call for Participation
Advice for Authors
Electronic Submission
Final Program
Conference Workshops
Keynote Address
Online Registration
Conference Venue / Hotel
Local Activities
Conference Committee
Program Committee
Student Volunteers


HUC 2000
HUC '99

Microsoft Research
Philips Research


In what follows, the phrase "ubiquitous computing" or "ubicomp" will be used to stand for all of the related phrases (pervasive computing, invisible computing, wearable computing, the disappearing computer, etc.). This paraphrasing is not meant as a judgment of supremacy of the phrase "ubiquitous computing" or "ubicomp", but merely as an economy of words.

There are three submission types for Ubicomp 2001, full papers, technical notes and workshop proposals. The following sections describe those categories, providing advice to authors in deciding which category to pursue, a timeline for the review of those papers, presentation expectations at the conference and other relevant information.

Technical notes

In addition to full papers, Ubicomp 2001 will consider the publication of shorter (3000 words, not including references, each picture = 300 words), more focussed technical notes that present research that is more late-breaking in nature. The themes for short papers are similar to the ones for full papers and can be seen on the Call for Papers.

Technical notes should be submitted electronically (PDF format) at the Ubicomp 2001 paper submissions Web site by May 25, 2001. Authors will be notified in mid-June and final camera ready versions of the papers, accompanied by a signed copyright form will be due in mid-July.

Anind Dey will oversee the review and acceptance of technical notes. The program committee reserves the right to recommend that a full paper be considered as a technical note, in which case the authors will be offered the opportunity to revise the paper to fit the shorter word limit of a technical note.

Upon acceptance, technical notes will be offered a variety of forums for presentation, including poster, demonstration and/or a brief five minute presentation.

Please add, as the last line in your abstract, whether you would like your paper to be reviewed as a 5-minute presentation, a poster and/or a demonstration. Any combination of these three possibilities is permitted.


Sunday, September 30 has been reserved for special purpose workshops. If you wish to organize a workshop, then you should submit a proposal directly to Anind Dey by May 25, 2001. In your proposal, you should address the following points:

  • Will your workshop be half-day or full-day?
  • Names and brief bios of the organizers
  • Topic of the workshop, summarized in 500 words or less
  • Proposed agenda
  • Number of desired participants
  • How participants to the workshop will be determined (e.g., by position paper and invitation only, or open)
  • Anticipated outcomes of the workshop
  • Whether it would be valuable to report back on the findings of the workshop during the main conference

Organizers for accepted workshop proposals will be informed in mid-June. Workshop attendees will be expected to pay an additional conference fee to cover the cost of facilities.

Full Papers

A full paper has a limit of 8000 words, not including references (figures count for 300 words each) and is intended to present a self-contained account of a significant research contribution in one of the major themes for the conference, as listed in the Call for Papers. All submissions should be formatted according to Springer-Verlag's LNCS style, For LNCS templates, see the LNCS Authors Instructions page.

Full papers should be submitted electronically (PDF format) at the Ubicomp 2001 paper submissions Web site by April 20, 2001. Authors will be notified in early June and final camera ready versions of the papers, accompanied by a signed copyright form will be due in mid-July.

Full papers will be peer-reviewed by the program committee. The program committee consists of experts in a wide variety of disciplines relevant to ubiquitous computing (HCI, mobile computing, computational perception, distributed computing, software engineering). Each of these disciplines has its own community and expectations for publishable quality work. With Ubicomp 2001, we are trying to provide a forum for those researchers in ubiquitous computing who come from one of the above disciplines (and maybe more) but feel that their work should be seen by the larger ubicomp community. It is not reasonable to expect that every submission will address the theme of ubiquitous computing in a way that corresponds to the practices of each subdiscipline. However, it is reasonable to assume that an accepted publication will be of top quality as judged by the authors' assumed community while also being accessible and interesting as judged by the rest of the ubicomp community. In other words, present your work in a way that would be acceptable to your research community, while simultaneously attempting to reach out to those who share the common interest of ubiquitous computing.

Every accepted full paper will be allotted a 20-minute presentation plus discussion time at the conference.