![]() Call for Participation Advice for Authors Electronic Submission Final Program Conference Workshops Keynote Address Online Registration Conference Venue / Hotel Local Activities Conference Committee Program Committee Student Volunteers IN COOPERATION SIGCHI SIGMOBILE SIGSOFT PREVIOUS EVENTS HUC 2000 HUC '99 SPONSORS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
UBICOMP 2001 FINAL PROGRAM 1:00 – 4:30pm Atlanta Braves Baseball Game Atlanta
Braves versus New York Mets. Tickets
are available on a first come basis for $11.00 through conference registration. 9:00 – 5:00pm Conference Workshops Evaluation
Methods for Ubiquitous Computing Jean
Scholtz (DARPA/NIST, USA), jscholtz@darpa.mil Designing
Ubiquitous Computing Games Staffan
Björk (Viktoria Institute, Sweden), bjork@viktoria.informatics.gu.se Jussi
Holopainen (Nokia, Finland), jussi.holopainen@nokia.com Peter
Ljungstrand (Viktoria Institute), peter@viktoria.se Regan
Mandryk (Simon Fraser, Canada), rlmandry@sfu.ca Location
Modeling for Ubiquitous Computing Michael
Beigl (Karlsruhe, Germany), michael@teco.edu Philip
Gray (Glasgow, Scotland), pdg@dcs.gla.ac.uk Daniel
Salber (IBM Research, USA), salber@acm.org UbiTools'01:
Application Models and Programming Tools Roy
Campbell (Illinois, USA), rhc@uiuc.edu Renato
Cerqueira (PUC-Rio, Brazil), rcerq@tecgraf.puc-rio.br John
Barton (HP Labs, USA), John_Barton@hpl.hp.com Marcus
Fontoura (IBM Research, USA), fontoura@almaden.ibm.com Sensing
and Perception for Ubiquitous Computing Jim
Crowley (INRIA, France) Bernt
Schiele (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Andy
Wilson (Microsoft Research, USA) 6:00 – 9:00pm Georgia Tech Demo Evening Demos
on the Georgia Tech campus Featuring
work from the GVU Center, College of Computing and Aware Home Gregory
Abowd (Georgia Tech, USA), abowd@cc.gatech.edu 8:15 – 8:30am Conference Opening Introduction
to the Conference Gregory
Abowd, General Chair Steve
Shafer, Program Chair 8:30 – 10:00am Keynote Speaker Assembling
the Planetary Computer Larry
Smarr (UC San Diego), Director,
California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology After
twenty years, the "S-curve" of building out the wired Internet with
hundreds of millions of PCs as its end points is flattening out, with
corresponding lowering of the growth rates of the major suppliers of that
global infrastructure. At the same
time, several new "S-curves" are reaching their steep slope as ubiquitous
computing begins to sweep the planet.
Leading this will be a vast expansion in heterogeneous end-points to a
new wireless Internet, moving IP throughout the physical world. Billions of Internet connected cell phones,
embedded processors, handheld devices, sensors, and actuators will lead to
radical new applications in biomedicine, transportation, environmental
monitoring, and interpersonal communication and collaboration. The combination of wireless LANs, the third
generation of cellular phones, satellites, and the increasing use of the FCC
unlicensed wireless band will cover the world with connectivity. The resulting vast increase in data streams,
augmented by the advent of mass market broadband to homes and businesses, will
drive the backbone of the Internet to a pure optical lambda-switched network of
tremendous capacity. Finally,
peer-to-peer computing and storage will increasingly provide a vast untapped
capability to power this emergent planetary computer. 10:00 – 10:30am Break 10:30 – 12:00pm Paper Session 1: Location
Awareness GeoNotes:
Social and Navigational Aspects of Location-Based Information
Systems Fredrik
Espinoza (SICS, Sweden), Per Persson (SICS, Sweden), Anna
Sandin (SICS, Sweden), Hanna Nystrom (SICS, Sweden), Elenor
Cacciatore (SICS, Sweden) and Markus Bylund (SICS, Sweden) A
Probabilistic Room Location Service for Wireless Networked Environments Paul
Castro (UCLA, USA), Patrick Chiu (FX-PAL, USA), Ted
Kremenek (UCLA, USA) and Richard Muntz (UCLA, USA) Location
Information Management (Tech Note) Hani
Naguib (Cambridge, England) and George Coulouris (Cambridge, England) Low
Cost Indoor Positioning System (Tech
Note) Cliff
Randell (Bristol, England) and Henk Muller (Bristol, England) Making
Everyday Life Easier Using Dense Sensor Networks (Tech Note) W.
Steven Conner (Intel, USA), Lakshman Krishnamurthy (Intel, USA)
and Roy
Want (Intel, USA) 12:00 – 1:30pm Lunch 1:30 – 3:00pm Paper Session 2: Tools and
Infrastructure ICrafter:
A Service Framework for Ubiquitous Computing Environments Shankar
Ponnekanti (Stanford, USA), Brian Lee (Stanford, USA), Armando
Fox (Stanford, USA), Pat Hanrahan (Stanford, USA) and Terry
Winograd (Stanford, USA) Using
JIT compilation and configurable runtime systems for deployment of Java
programs on ubiquitous devices Radu
Teodorescu (UC Davis, USA) and Raju Pandey (UC Davis, USA) Software
Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Computing Environments Supporting Synchronous
Collaboration with Multiple Single- and Multi-User Devices
(view slides from this talk) Smart-Its
Friends: A Technique for Users to Easily Establish Connections between Smart
Artefacts (Tech Note) Lars
Erik Holmquist (Interactive Institute, Sweden), Friedemann
Mattern (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Bernt
Schiele (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Petteri Alahuhta (VTT, Finland),
Beigl (Karlsruhe, Germany) and Hans-W. Gellersen (Lancaster, England) 3:00 – 3:30pm Break 3:30 – 5:00pm Paper Session 3:
Applications for Groups Integrating
Meeting Capture within a Collaborative Team Environment Heather
Richter (Georgia Tech, USA), Gregory Abowd (Georgia Tech, USA), Werner
Geyer (IBM Research, USA), Ludwin Fuchs (Boeing, USA) Shahrokh
Daijavad (IBM Research, USA) and Steven Poltrock (Boeing, USA) A
Ubiquitous Service Environment with Active Documents for Teamwork Support Patrick
Werle (KTH, Sweden), Fredrick Kilander (KTH, Sweden), Martin
Jonsson (KTH, Sweden), Peter Longqvist (KTH, Sweden) and Carl
Gustaf Jansson (KTH, Sweden) Digital
Assistant for Supporting Conference Participants: An Attempt to Combine Mobile,
Ubiquitous and Web Computing Sumi
Yasuyuki (ATR, Japan) and Kenji Mase (ATR, Japan) The
Family Intercom: Developing a Context-Aware Audio Communication System Kristine
Nagel (Georgia Tech, USA), Cory Kidd (Georgia Tech, USA), Thomas
O'Connell (Georgia Tech, USA), Anind Dey (Georgia Tech, USA) and Gregory
Abowd (Georgia Tech, USA) 5:15pm Town Meeting on Ubiquitous Computing 7:00pm Conference Reception 8:30 – 10:00am Panel Ubiquitous
Computing and the Disappearing Computer: Research Agendas, Issues and
Strategies Moderator: Norbert Streitz (GMD-IPSI, Germany) Panelists: Tom Rodden (University of Nottingham,
England) Dan Russell (IBM Research, USA) Jean Scholtz (DARPA-ITO and NIST, USA) 10:00 – 10:30am Break 10:30 – 12:00pm Paper Session 4: Applications
and Design Spaces The
Conversational Role of Electronic Guidebooks Allison
Woodruff (Xerox PARC, USA), Margaret Szymanski (Xerox PARC, USA), Paul
Aoki (Xerox PARC, USA) and Amy Hurst (Xerox PARC, USA) Who,
What, When, Where, How: Design Issues of Capture
& Access Applications Khai
Truong (Georgia Tech, USA), Gregory Abowd (Georgia Tech, USA) and Jason
Brotherton (Georgia Tech, USA) Unearthing
virtual history: using diverse interfaces to reveal
hidden virtual worlds (Tech Note) Steve
Benford (Nottingham, England), John Bowers (Nottingham, England), Paul
Chandler (Nottingham, England), Luigina Ciolfi (Nottingham, England),
Flintham (Nottingham, England), Mike Fraser (Nottingham, England),
Greenhalgh (Nottingham, England), Tony Hall (Nottingham, England),
Olof Hellström (Nottingham, England), Shahram Izadi (Nottingham,
England), Tom
Rodden (Nottingham, England), Holger Schnädelbach (Nottingham,
England), Ian
Taylor (Nottingham, England) KISS
the Tram: Exploring the PDA as Support for Everyday
Activities (Tech Note) Thorsten
Lunde (Norwegian Computing Center, Norway) and Arve
Larsen (Norwegian Computing Center, Norway) Subtle
and Public Notification Cues for Mobile Devices (Tech Note) Rebecca
Hansson (Interactive Institute, Sweden), Peter
Ljungstrand (Interactive Institute, Sweden) and Johan
Redström (Interactive Institute, Sweden) InfoScope: Link from Real World to
Digital Information Space (Tech Note) Ismail
Haritaoglu (IBM Research, USA) 12:00 – 1:30pm Lunch 1:30 – 3:00pm Paper Session 5: Research
Challenges and Novel Input At
Home with Ubiquitous Computing: Seven Challenges Keith
Edwards (Xerox PARC, USA) and Rebecca Grinter (Xerox PARC, USA) Privacy
by Design -- Principles of Privacy-Aware Ubiquitous Systems Marc
Langheinrich (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) TrekTrack:
A Round Wristwatch Interface for SMS Authoring (Tech Note) Anders
Kirkeby (Aarhus, Denmark), Rasmus Zacho (Aarhus, Denmark), Jock
Mackinlay (Aarhus, Denmark) and Polle Zellweger (Aarhus, Denmark) A
Compact, Wireless, Self-Powered Pushbutton Controller (Tech Note) Joseph
A. Paradiso (MIT Media Lab, USA) and Mark
Feldmeier (MIT Media Lab, USA) Interacting
At a Distance Using Semantic Snarfing, Laser
Pointers and Other Devices
(Tech Note) Brad
Myers (CMU, USA), Choon Hong Peck (CMU, USA), Jeffrey
Nichols (CMU, USA), Dave Kong (CMU, USA) and Robert
Miller (CMU, USA) 3:00 – 3:30pm Break 3:30 – 5:00pm Paper Session 6: Output The
Everywhere Displays Projector: A
Device to Create Ubiquitous Graphical Interfaces Claudio
Pinhanez (IBM Research, USA) UniCast,
OutCast & GroupCast: Three Steps Toward
Ubiquitous, Peripheral Displays Joe
McCarthy (Accenture CSTaR, USA), Tony Costa (Accenture CSTaR, USA)
Edy Liongosari (Accenture CSTaR, USA) Multibrowsing:
Moving Web Content across Multiple Displays (Tech Note) Brad
Johanson (Stanford, USA), Shankar Ponnekanti (Stanford, USA), Caesar
Sengupta (Stanford, USA), and Armando Fox (Stanford, USA) On
the Design of Personal & Communal Large Information
Scale Appliances (Tech Note) Daniel
M. Russell (IBM Research, USA), Rich Gossweiler (IBM Research, USA) Serendipity
within a Ubiquitous Computing Environment: a Case for Opportunistic Browsing (Tech Note) Oscar
de Bruijn (Imperial College, England) and Robert
Spence (Imperial College, England) |