Posters Program

Posters Only

Behavior-based Stigmergic Navigation
Shin-ya Sato, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories
Tetsuya Nakamura, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories
Yoshiaki Sato, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories

Running Gestures: Hands-free Interaction During Physical Activity
Boris Smus, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute and Carnegie Mellon University
Vassilis Kostakos, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute and Carnegie Mellon University

Eyes, grip and gesture as objective indicators of intentions and attention
Ditte Hvas Mortensen, Aarhus University & Bang & Olufsen

User Activity Understanding from Mobile Phone Sensors
Yuki Arase, Microsoft Research Asia
Fei Ren, Beihang University
Xing Xie, Microsoft Research Asia

Physiological Data Gathering in Mobile Environments
Luís Duarte, LaSIGE & Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon
Marco de Sá, LaSIGE & Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon
Luís Carriço, LaSIGE & Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon

Acoustic source localization of everyday sounds using wireless sensor networks
Yukang Guo, Computing Department, Lancaster University
Mike Hazas, Computing Department, Lancaster University

WEtransport: A Context-based Ride-sharing Platform
Florian Alt, University of Duisburg-Essen
Alireza Sahami Shirazi, University of Duisburg-Essen
Thomas Kubitza, University of Duisburg-Essen
Bastian Pfleging, University of Duisburg-Essen
Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen

Geolocation in the mobile web browser
Mattias Rost, Mobile Life Centre
Henriette Cramer, Mobile Life Centre
Nicolas Belloni, Mobile Life Centre
Lars Erik Holmquist, Mobile Life Centre

Paper to Parameters: Designing Tangible Simulation Input
Tia Shelley, University of Illinois at Chicago
Leilah Lyons, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jingmin Shi, University of Illinois at Chicago
Emily Minor, University of Illinois at Chicago
Moira Zellner, University of Illinois at Chicago

Convenience Probe: a Participatory Sensing Tool to Collect Large-Scale Consumer Flow Behaviors
Chuang-Wen You, Academia Sinica
Chih-Chiang Wei, National Taiwan University
Yu-Han Chen, National Taiwan University
Jya-Cheng Hu, National Taiwan University
Wei-Fehng Wang, National Chengchi University
Hao-Hua Chu, National Taiwan University
Lien-Ti Bei, National Chengchi University
Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan University

RFID Localization for Tangible and Embodied Multi-User Interaction with Museum Exhibits
Francesco Cafaro, University of Illinois at Chicago
Leilah Lyons, University of Illinois at Chicago
Joshua Radinsky, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jessica Roberts, University of Illinois at Chicago

Ubiquitous Geo-Referenced Social Skills Therapy
Marco de Sá, LaSIGE & University of Lisbon
Luís Carriço , LaSIGE & University of Lisbon
Joana Neca, LaSIGE & University of Lisbon
Nádia Fernandes, LaSIGE & University of Lisbon
Pedro Feiteira, LaSIGE & University of Lisbon
Ricardo Pereira, LaSIGE & University of Lisbon
Pedro Bernardo, LaSIGE & University of Lisbon
João Faria, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon
Isabel Sá, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon

Beyond Context-Awareness: Context Prediction in industrial Application
Yong Ding, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Hedda Schmidtke, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Michael Beigl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Understanding Hatsukaichi-Shuku Post Town in the Edo Period Using Old Drawing Map stored in GPS&PDA
Takaharu Miyoshi, Hiroshima Institute of Technology
Hideki Ueshima, Hiroshima Institute of Technology
Hiroshi Moriyasu, Hiroshima Institute of Technology
Yoshitaka Aoyama, Hiroshima Institute of Technology

Surprise Trips: A System to Augment the Natural Experience of Exploration
Matthias Korn, Aarhus University
Raghid Kawash, Aarhus University
Lisbet Andersen, Aarhus University

ALIS: An interactive ecosystem for sustainable living
Johnny Rodgers, Simon Fraser University: School of Interactive Arts & Technology
Lyn Bartram, Simon Fraser University: School of Interactive Arts & Technology

FOAF: Improving Detected Social Network Accuracy
Jamie Banford, University of Strathclyde
Alisdair McDiarmid, University of Strathclyde
James Irvine, University of Strathclyde

EVIDANCE: a mobile application for orchestrating multiple service ecologies
Leonardo Giusti, FBK - irst
Massimo Zancanaro, FBK - irst

CU-Later: A Communication System Considering Time Difference
Hitomi Tsujita, Ochanomizu University
Svetlana Yarosh, Georgia Institute of Technology
Gregory Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology

SocialMedicineBox: A Communication System for the Elderly using Medicine Box
Hitomi Tsujita, Ochanomizu University
Gregory Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology

Social Contraptions and Embodied Interaction
Jared Donovan, University of Southern Denmark
Robb Mitchell, University of Southern Denmark

Novel Similarity Measure For Time Series Data With Applications To Gait And Activity Recognition
Jordan Frank, McGill University
Shie Mannor, Technion
Doina Precup, McGill University

**** Cannot show up ****

Gathering Requirements for a Personal Health Management System
Jim Milewski, University of California Irvine
Hector Parra, University of California Irvine

Videos also Presenting Posters

φ²: Exploring physical Check-Ins in Location Based Social Networks and Games
Sebastian Büttner, Mobile Life Centre
Henriette Cramer - Mobile Life Centre
Mattias Rost, Mobile Life Centre
Nicolas Belloni, Mobile Life Centre
Lars Erik Holmquist, Mobile Life Centre

Fully and Easily Integratable Lightweight Large-Scale Displays for Public Spaces
Munehiko Sato, Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Yasuhiro Suzuki, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Shinya Nishizaka, Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Yusuke Torigoe, Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Atsushi Izumihara, Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Atsushi Hiyama, Information and Robot Technology Research Initiative, The University of Tokyo
Kunihiro Nishimura, Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Tomohiro Tanikawa, Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Michitaka Hirose, Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

LetterTwitter: Smart mailbox for spam-filtered notification of received letters
Koji Tsukada, Ochanomizu University
Yuka Mizushima, NTT Docomo
Ai Ogata, Ochanomizu University
Itiro Siio, Ochanomizu University

Full Papers also Presenting Posters

A Grid-Based Algorithm for On-Device GSM Positioning
Petteri Nurmi, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, University of Helsinki
Sourav Bhattacharya, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, University of Helsinki
Joonas Kukkonen, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, University of Helsinki

Psycho-Physiological Measures for Assessing Cognitive Load
Eija Haapalainen, Intelligent Systems Group, University of Oulu & Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
SeungJun Kim, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Jodi F. Forlizzi, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Anind K. Dey, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

MoviPill: Improving Medication Compliance for Elders Using a Mobile Persuasive Social Game
Rodrigo de Oliveira, Telefonica Research, Spain
Mauro Cherubini, Telefonica Research, Spain
Nuria Oliver, Telefonica Research, Spain

SNUPI: Sensor Nodes Utilizing Powerline Infrastructure
Gabe Cohn, Electrical Engineering, UbiComp Lab, DUB Group, University of Washington
Erich Stuntebeck, School of Interactive Computing & GVU Center, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jagdish Pandey, Electrical Engineering, Wireless Sensing Lab, University of Washington
Brian Otis, Electrical Engineering, Wireless Sensing Lab, University of Washington
Gregory D. Abowd, School of Interactive Computing & GVU Center, Georgia Institute of Technology
Shwetak N. Patel, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, UbiComp Lab, DUB Group, University of Washington

EmotionSense: A Mobile Phones based Adaptive Platform for Experimental Social Psychology Research
Kiran K. Rachuri, University of Cambridge, UK
Mirco Musolesi, University of St. Andrews, UK
Cecilia Mascolo, University of Cambridge, UK
Peter J. Rentfrow, University of Cambridge, UK
Chris Longworth, University of Cambridge, UK
Andrius Aucinas, University of Cambridge, UK