Mobile Context-Awareness: Capabilities, Challenges and Applications | Room 2A.08 |
Designing for Performative Interactions in Public Spaces | Room 2A.18 |
Transnational Times: Locality, Globality and Mobility in Technology Design and Use | Room 2A.20 |
SISSI 2010: Social Interaction in Spatially Separated Environments | Room 3A.08 |
PaperComp 2010: 1st International Workshop on Paper Computing | Room 3A.18 |
UBI Challenge Workshop 2010: Real World Urban Computing | Room 4A.18 |
Ubiquitous Crowdsourcing | Room 4A.20 |
Research in the large: Using App Stores, Markets and other wide distribution channels in UbiComp research | Room 2A.14 |
CASEMANS: The 4th ACM International Workshop on Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems | Room 3A.14 |
PerEd 2010: The Third Workshop on Pervasive Computing Education | Room 4A.14 |
UbiHealth 2010: The 5th International Workshop on Ubiquitous Health and Wellnes | Room 4A.16 |
UCSE2010: Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing for Sustainable Energy | Room 2A.12 |
DOME-IoT 2010: Digital Object Memories in the Internet of Things | Room 4A.05 |
Context awareness and information processing in opportunistic ubiquitous systems | Room 4A.09 |
Doctoral Colloquium | Room 3A.12 |