![]() Call for Participation Advice for Authors Electronic Submission Final Program Conference Workshops Keynote Address Online Registration Conference Venue / Hotel Local Activities Conference Committee Program Committee Student Volunteers IN COOPERATION SIGCHI SIGMOBILE SIGSOFT PREVIOUS EVENTS HUC 2000 HUC '99 SPONSORS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
UBICOMP 2001 CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Organizers: Roy Campbell (Illinois, USA), rhc@uiuc.edu Renato Cerqueira (PUC-Rio,
Brazil), rcerq@tecgraf.puc-rio.br John Barton (HP Labs, USA), John_Barton@hpl.hp.com Marcus Fontoura (IBM Research,
USA), fontoura@almaden.ibm.com Workshop Home: http://choices.cs.uiuc.edu/UbiTools01/ The
aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on models and
programming tools for ubiquitous applications, to identify key developments in
such area, and to discuss the future of this challenging field. To enable lively and productive discussions,
the workshop will be limited to a maximum of 25 participants, that will be
invited on the basis of position papers. Organizers: Michael Beigl (Karlsruhe,
Germany), michael@teco.edu Philip Gray (Glasgow, Scotland), pdg@dcs.gla.ac.uk Daniel Salber (IBM Research,
USA), salber@acm.org Workshop Home: http://www.teco.edu/locationws Many
ubicomp applications make use of location information sensed using diverse sensors. To be able to relate locations,
compute with them, or present location information to the user, applications
use a location model, although it is often implicit. The aim of this workshop
is to understand what location models are used, how they are related, and
identify requirements for a standard location model for ubiquitous computing. This
workshop intends at providing a forum for designers, developers and users of
location models to exchange experiences and inspire their own work. Questions from disciplines other than
computer science that contribute to the theme of location modeling (e.g.,
cognition of place, urban planning) should also be discussed. Participants from
these disciplines will be welcome to the workshop. The final goal of the
workshop is to develop an understanding of how to model location information. Organizers: Staffan
Björk (PLAY, Interactive Institute, Sweden), bjork@viktoria.informatics.gu.se Jussi Holopainen (Nokia, Finland), jussi.holopainen@nokia.com Peter Ljungstrand (PLAY, Interactive Institute), peter@viktoria.se Regan Mandryk (Simon Fraser, Canada), rlmandry@sfu.ca Workshop Home: http://www.playresearch.com/ubigame/ This
workshop aims at bringing together people interested in exploring the merger of
computer entertainment with ubiquitous computing. This new type of computer
game allow for game design where players' physical and social context influence
the game play to create new styles of computer entertainment. Besides
discussing the general aspects of ubiquitous gaming, the workshop aims at
highlighting issues such as using technological constraints as game elements,
managing user control, and supporting strong narratives in ubiquitous games. The
workshop seeks participants from all disciplines that are related to ubiquitous
gaming, including but not limited to computer science, game development,
dramaturgy, narratology, performing and fine arts, ludology, philosophy,
psychology, software engineering, and film theory. The journal Personal and
Ubiquitous Computing (published by Springer) has expressed a wish to schedule a
special issue on the workshop topic for publication in mid-2002. Participants
are required to submit a position paper, describing how their research relates
to ubiquitous gaming and the findings and results they have achieved or hope to
achieve. The paper should be about 2500 words and must be emailed to bjork@viktoria.se
no later than August 19, 2001 to be considered for the workshop. Organizer: Jean Scholtz (DARPA/NIST, USA)
jscholtz@darpa.mil Workshop Home: http://www.nist.gov/ubicomp01
computing environments pose complex problems for evaluation. Evaluations can
facilitate an understanding of the research issues and can be useful in
measuring progress. However,
evaluations can also focus efforts on a more narrow aspect of the field than
desirable. In this workshop, we will discuss
the pros and cons of evaluation and discuss a number of evaluation
methodologies for ubiquitous computing research. Participants are asked to submit a position paper discussing a
possible evaluation strategy. This
should include suggested metrics and a rationale for conducting the
evaluation. Prior to the workshop, the
organizers will group proposed evaluation methodologies into categories. Selected participants may be asked to
present a methodology category for discussion at the workshop. Position papers should not exceed 2 pages
and are due August 24, 2001 (email to jscholtz@darpa.mil). Notification of acceptance is September 7,
Organizers: Organizers: Jim Crowley (INRIA, France), James.Crowley Bernt Schiele (ETH Zurich,
Switzerland), schiele@inf.ethz.ch Andy Wilson (Microsoft Research,
USA), awilson@microsoft.com Workshop Home: http://www-prima.imag.fr/UBICOMP/index.html For
an environment to be aware it must be able to detect, locate, recognize and
predict actors and their activities.
Such abilities require perception using a variety of sensors including
computer vision, tactile sensing and acoustic perception. The goal of this workshop is to bring
together researchers from the different communities concerned with novel
sensing techniques and with machine perception to document the state of the art
of sensing and perception in for ubiquitous computing. Particular emphasis will
be on establishing common methods and terminology. Eight
to ten speakers will be invited to present resent results in a cross section of
areas. The program will include presentations of a tutoral nature as well as
description of recent results. While
papers are not required from speakers before the conference, papers from the
most interesting presentations will be solicited for a edited volume. The
workshop should lead to a better understanding of the place of machine
perception in ubiquitous computing,. The
target audience includes both members of the computer vision community and
researchers from outside the community would like to learn of recent results.
The idea workshop size would be 20 to 30 participants. A request for proposals
for talks will be distributed to researchers who are active in the community
centered on the IEEE Face and Gesture conference, as well as selected
colleagues who are know to have recent results. |