- Schedule (.pdf)
- Keynote
- Accepted Papers and Notes
- Accepted Workshops
- Accepted Posters
- Accepted Demos
- Accepted Videos
- Doctoral Colloquium
Venue Information:
Student Volunteers:
Poster Submission site is open!
(Login in and choose "New Submission" option)
Poster submissions due |
June 27th 2008 (23:59 PST)
Notification of acceptance |
July 25, 2008
Camera-ready version due |
August 8, 2008
The Posters category provides researchers with an opportunity to present their bleeding-edge work in an interactive fashion in front of an expert audience, without impacting the possibility of publishing as a full paper at a later date. Accepted Posters will be presented in three forms: as a poster at the conference poster reception, at the "1-minute madness" session preceding the reception, and as an extended abstract distributed to the attendees. We encourage the submission of preliminary or exploratory work, smaller projects or results not suitable for a full paper, and any other research that would excite discussion and benefit from this open forum.
Poster submissions should include an extended abstract of no longer than 2 pages, including all figures and references, in the ACM SIGCHI Format (Word, Latex). Submissions may also include an optional single page describing or illustrating the proposed poster. This page should convey to reviewers visual aspects of the poster that may not be captured in the abstract, such as a key graphic to be used in the poster. This supplemental page is for review purposes only and will not be published. Posters submissions should be submitted electronically in PDF through PCS system. Posters submissions should not be anonymized.
Note that accepted submissions will be published in a Conference Supplement that will be distributed to attendees at the conference; they will not be incorporated into the main UbiComp 2008 Conference Proceedings.
UbiComp 2008 Posters Co-Chairs
A.J. Bernheim Brush, Microsoft Research
Mike Hazas, Lancaster University, UK
UbiComp 2008 Posters Committee
Alex Varshavsky | Unversity of Toronto | Canada |
Andy Rice | University of Cambridge | UK |
Christopher Wren | MERL | USA |
Elaine M. Huang | Motorola Labs | USA |
Eric Paulos | Intel Research | USA |
Itiro Siio | Ochanomizu University | Japan |
Jacky Shen | Microsoft Research | China |
Jeff Hightower | Intel Research | USA |
Jong Chan Choi | Korea Electronics Technology Institute | Korea |
Jonna Hakkila | Nokia | Finland |
Julie Kientz | Georgia Tech | USA |
Kavitha Muthukrishnan | University of Twente | Netherlands |
Lama Nachman | Intel | USA |
Lorna Brown | Microsoft Research | UK |
Louise Barkhuus | University of California, San Diego | USA |
Marc Langheinrich | ETH Zurich, | Switzerland |
Matthai Philipose | Intel Research | USA |
Minkyong Kim | IBM | USA |
Peter Ruppel | University of Munich | Germany |
Rong Zheng | University of Houston | USA |
Yoshito Tobe | Tokyo Denki University | Japan |
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
The Proceedings will be published by ACM