UbiComp / ISWC 2023
Visa Information
Mexico Entry Requirements and Visa Applications
It is the attendees’ responsibility to arrange for their travel and to ensure that they are eligible to enter Mexico.
As entry requirements are updated regularly, please make sure to check these resources often.
Entry Requirements
Please ensure that you are eligible to enter Mexico; everyone’s situation is different and any changes may impact people in different ways.
Each attendee is responsible for keeping up to date with current requirements.
- Information about Visa Application can be found here.
For more details please look closely at these two websites: embamex/visa and embamex/faq.
Information about how to obtain a Mexican Visitor Card is available here.
- Note that as of September 2022, US and Canadian visitors do not need to fill out a visitor card if landing at Cancún Airport.
UbiComp / ISWC 2023 Letters of Invitation
Attendees who require a Mexican Visa to travel to the UbiComp / ISWC 2023, may request a Letter of Invitation from the conference organizers at the time of their registration, to accompany their visa application.
Please contact the registration chairs at registration-2023@ubicomp.org to request a visa letter. If you are an author of an accepted contribution to IMWUT or UbiComp/ISWC 2023 please provide the details of your contribution, including title, track (e.g. IMWUT Paper, ISWC Brief, UbiComp/ISWC Poster, etc.), and DOI (if available).
Visa letters can only be issued after successful registration. In case a visa is denied after registration, please provide documentation of the denied request to the registration chairs at registration-2023@ubicomp.org, and they will issue a refund.