UbiComp / ISWC 2023
Conference Program
UbiComp / ISWC 2023 is an in-person conference. Attendees from around the world will meet in beautiful Cancun (Mexico) to experience an amazing program and incredible opportunities for interaction, engagement and discussion. Check the abstracts for ISWC and UbiComp Adjunct Program for more info!
If you did not register yet, please register now.
Pre-Conference Program – Oct 8-9, 2023
Workshops and Symposia: On Sunday and Monday October 8-9, 2023, UbiComp/ISWC 2023 features 8 workshops and 3 symposia, either as a half-day or a full-day event. Workshop organizers set up their specific activities, including presentations of the accepted workshop papers and other engaging activities. Please check individual websites for further details.
Tutorials: UbiComp/ISWC 2023 will also feature 4 tutorials on specific areas by expert researchers spanning across Sunday and Monday, October 8-9, 2023.
Doctoral Colloquium: On Sunday October 8, 2023, UbiComp/ISWC 2023 features a the Doctoral Colloquium program. The DC is a unique opportunity for PhD students to present their key concepts and ideas to a premier scientific panel and receive top-quality feedback from excellent external reviewers.
Coffee Breaks will be 10.30 am – 11.00 am & 3.30pm – 4pm. Lunch Break at 12.30pm-2pm

A PDF version can be downloaded here.
Main Conference Program – Oct 10-12, 2023
A rich mixture of plenary/keynotes and parallel sessions will be featured at the conference, and they will all occur each day October 10-12, 2023.

A PDF version can be downloaded here.
UbiComp / ISWC 2023 will feature numerous IMWUT papers, ISWC Notes and Briefs across sessions distributed from October 10-12, 2023. Details about sessions will be updated soon.
All IMWUT papers are accessible for conference participants here.
All ISWC papers are accessible for conference participants here.
Keynote Speakers and Panelists
Several Keynote Speakers and Panelists are engaging attendees throughout the conference. The opening keynote sets the tone for UbiComp / ISWC 2023, our Plenary Panel engages the audience on key UbiComp/ISWC topics from a variety of perspectives, and the closing keynote panel helps the community reflect how technology can help in this time of crisis.
Additional Conference Activities – Oct 10-12, 2023
Demos/Posters: Various posters and demos will be at display during the the main sessions of the UbiComp/ISWC conference from October 10-12, 2023.
Student Challenges: Student Challenge showcase students work and creativity to esteemed leaders in the field, and how they transformed their innovative ideas into tangible reality.
ISWC Design Exhibition: Design Exhibition showcase original works related to technology worn on the body, such as on-body sensing and sensor networks; responsive technologies for fashion and aesthetics; body extensions such as bionic limbs and smart prosthetics; wearables for professional use, mobile healthcare, or entertainment; wearability and interaction; and mobile interaction with devices and systems.
ISWC Gadget Show: The Gadget Show is a free format where members of the Wearable and UbiComp community present the latest Gadgets to the audience. It is always enjoyable and funny, and it’s spontaneous.
Awards: Several awards are presented at UbiComp/ISWC 2023. The Awards session includes the introduction of the awardees, as well as a series of short speeches, and talks.
Social and Networking Activities
Coming soon!