UbiComp / ISWC 2023
Call for ISWC Design Exhibition
Submission Deadline: June 9, 2023
ISWC 2023, the 27th annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers, will be held in conjunction with UbiComp 2023 in Cancun, Mexico, October 8-12, 2023.
ISWC is the premier forum for research on wearable technology and topics related to on-body and worn mobile technologies. ISWC brings together an eclectic and interdisciplinary mix of visionary researchers, developers, designers, artists, manufacturers, and users to share information and advances in wearable technology.
The conference will be held in Cancun, Mexico, October 8-12, 2023.
The Design Exhibition will be in person, images / videos will be shown at conference locations.
*The ISWC Design Exhibition, as any other track at UbiComp/ISWC 2023, will be in-person only.
More details for exceptions can be found here.
Juried Exhibition
ISWC 2023’s Juried Design Exhibition invites submissions of original works everything related to technology worn on the body, such as on-body sensing and sensor networks; responsive technologies for fashion and aesthetics; body extensions such as bionic limbs and smart prosthetics; wearables for professional use, mobile healthcare, or entertainment; wearability and interaction; and mobile interaction with devices and systems.
Submissions may comprise any type of wearable technology (electronic, mechanical, textile and garment-based, bio and nano-materials, etc). Awards for the best design will be given in three categories: Aesthetic, Functional, and Fiber Art.
Summary of Key Dates
- June 9th, 2023: Submission deadline
- June 30th July 7th, 2023: Notification of acceptance
- July 31, 2023: Camera Ready Deadline
- 8-12 October, 2023: Conference Date
Confused about which category to pick? Many designs address both functional and aesthetic aspects of a problem. Designers should consider in which aspect their design is strongest, and submit it to that category.
1) Functional
Submissions to this category should be functionally-focused wearable designs, aimed at using technology to solve a particular problem or meet a specific need.
2) Aesthetic
Submissions to this category should be aesthetically-focused wearable designs, aimed at developing an aesthetic or visual effect through the use of technology.
3) Fiber Arts
Submissions to this category should be non-wearable, but textile- or fiber-integrated innovations. Fiber arts submissions may be functionally or aesthetically focused.
Awards for the best design will be given in three categories: Aesthetic, and Functional and Fiber Art.
Submission Documents
1) An illustrated design paper using the UbiComp/ISWC template and should not exceed 4 pages in the 2-column, ACM proceedings format (please refer to the UbiComp/ISWC templates and formatting page). References do not count to the page limit (i.e. references can be on pages 5+), but it is important that the core paper including all text and figures is in the first 4 pages. Appendices are not allowed. The paper should detail the work’s concept, motivation, intended audience and end-use, technological functionality, and execution. Detailed images must illustrate the text.
This year’s exhibition will happen in person only. Participants will need to submit materials for that format.
2) High-resolution (300dpi) images/illustration, titles and captions (for the signage) that will convey the design’s functionality clearly. The design committee will produce these posters and titles and captions are important (but should be submitted separately and not as part of the image.
3) A short, exhibition-ready video (less than 3 mins long) presenting the design and demonstrating how it works. The videos should be captioned.
4) Consent for publicity use of submitted photos/videos/other information about the designs to be shared with the press and publish.
It is strongly encouraged to include high resolution images and a video at the time of submission. High resolution images and a video will be required of all accepted designs for the camera ready submission and will be used in the ISWC Design Exhibition.
Template for the Submission
Please refer to the UbiComp/ISWC template and formatting.
Submission System
Submissions can be made at http://new.precisionconference.com/sigchi
On the submissions tab, please select SIGCHI society, the UbiComp/ISWC 2023 conference, and the “ISWC 2023 Design Exhibition” track.
For more information regarding ISWC 2023 Design Exhibition, please email the design chairs at design-2023@iswc.net.
Submission Deadline:
June 9th, 2023 (11.59 pm AoE)
Authors Notification Date:
July 7th, 2023
Camera-ready Deadline:
July 31st, 2023