UbiComp / ISWC 2023
Call for Nominations:
UbiComp Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award
Submission Deadline: May 31, 2023 (AoE)
Deadline Extended: June 7, EoD (AoE)
The UbiComp Steering Committee is pleased to announce the nomination process for the 2023 Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student award.
Named in honor of the late Gaetano Borriello, this award recognizes “a student who is making outstanding research contributions to, and provides leadership in, the field of Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing“.
The student receiving this award will be recognized during the UbiComp / ISWC 2023 conference, held in Cancun, Mexico, from 8-12th October, and will receive a small financial reward and a certificate.
- Nominees must be pursuing a research-based degree in any country in a field related to ubiquitous computing.
- Nominees must have been co-authors on at least 1 UbiComp and/or IMWUT paper (any year).
- Nominee should be a current student in good standing as of the time of the nomination deadline.
For students to be nominated, please create a single PDF that includes all of the following materials, and upload it through the following URL.
- A cover letter that includes the following information:
- Expected student graduation date of their graduate program (Year/Month).
- The date the student started their doctoral program (Year/Month).
- The number of the student’s publications in IMWUT or UbiComp papers (excluding publications in adjunct proceedings).
- The number of the students publications in UbiComp adjunct proceedings (e.g., demos, posters, and workshops).
- The history of the student’s service for IMWUT and UbiComp.
- A 2-page summary of the student’s research (can be a dissertation proposal abstract or similar).
- A full CV.
Beside the application package above, students must have a recommendation letter from their research advisor. The letter should also confirm the eligibility of the student. In addition, students may have an optional, additional recommendation letter from another member of the UbiComp research community.
For endorsers, please upload letters to the following URL. The submission due is the same as the nomination.
After the deadline, students who have submitted complete nominations will be sent a confirmation of receipt. In case a student submit a nomination but do not hear from us a few days after the deadline, please send an email to awards-2023@ubicomp.org
The award is decided upon by a committee consisting of members recruited by the Award chairs. The committee will review the nominations and make their selection. Conflicts of interest are handled by having conflicted members not participate in reviewing conflicted nominations and in the final decisions of awards.
The student winning the award will be notified by the end of June 2023, and the award recipient will be announced during the conference.
Submission Deadline:
June 07, 2023 (AoE) (Extended)