UbiComp / ISWC 2023
Posters and Demos

Event Date: October 10, 2023

The poster and demo sessions will be held on the 10th of October 2023.

Posters and Demos represent the cutting-edge of the UbiComp / ISWC program. Filled with new and raw ideas with immense potential directions, these sessions provide a chance for researchers to showcase the future of the community.


Posters feature preliminary and exploratory work within the field of ubiquitous and wearable computing. These contributions can take the form of smaller projects or results that are still maturing towards a full paper submission or any other research that would encourage discussion. The poster session will provide an excellent opportunity for feedback on ongoing projects and provide early visibility among academic and industrial audiences.

Title Authors Download Type
Towards Detecting Tonic Information Processing Activities with Physiological Data Kaixin Ji;Damiano Spina;Danula Hettiachchi;Falk Scholer;Flora D. Salim Poster
AR for the Masses: Attina, the Low-Cost Accessible Headset for Inclusive Learning G. S. Rajshekar Reddy;Santhosh Kumar S;Ramesh Makam Poster
Captivating the Senses: Crafting a Multisensory Virtual Experience for Enhanced Realism G. S. Rajshekar Reddy Poster
Exploring the Impact of Virtual Reality-based Simulated Symptoms Towards Schizophrenia on Public Empathy Jen-Chu Hsu;Wernhuar Tarng;Kuo-Liang Ou Poster
Preliminary Study on Effect of Secretly Increasing or Decreasing Predicted Number of Steps to Promote Walking Masami Takahashi Poster
Binary Social Game: A Principle for Enhancing Desired Behaviors through Asynchronous Social Interactions Seokwoo Song;Hong Yoon Kim;Jongwon Kim;Kiljong Kim;Hyunkook Cho;Dong Young Lim Poster
Mazi Umntanakho “Know Your Child”: An Accessible Social-Emotional Assessment Tool for Children in Low-Income South African Communities Jesus Armando Beltran;Hanna Mofid;Lucretia Williams;Elizabeth Ankrah;Jazette Johnson;Caylee Cook;Franceli L. Cibrian;Catherine E. Draper;Kimberley D Lakes;Gillian R Hayes Poster
An Experimental Video Conference Platform to Bridge the Gap Between Digital and In-Person Communication Chloe Eghtebas;Alexander Liebald;Maria Pospelova;Ashika Manjunath;Julian Geheeb;Norma Puspitasari;Jamie A Ward;Gudrun Klinker Poster
Physiological Indices to Predict Driver Situation Awareness in VR Gwangbin Kim;Jieun Lee;Dohyeon Yeo;Eunsol An;SeungJun Kim Poster
Departure Time Prediction Using Smartphone Data for Delayed-Full Charging BMS Algorithm Yonggeon Lee;Woojin Song;Juhyun Song;Youngtae Noh Poster
Lightron: A Wearable Sensor System that Provides Light Feedback to Improve Punching Accuracy for Boxing Novices Fengzhen Cui;Wanying Mo;Shenshen Lei;Hong Leung;John Raiti;Yuntao Wang Poster
BaroDepth: A Method of Estimating Depth with Barometric Pressure Sensors in Smartphones Eiji Kumakawa;Wataru Yamada;Keiichi Ochiai Poster
A Contactless and Non-Intrusive System for Driver's Stress Detection Salman Muhammad;Hyunkyu Jang;Youngtae Noh;Seungwan Jin;Dayoung Jeong;Hoyoung Choi;Kyungsik Han;Hyangmi Kim Poster
LayTex: A Design Tool for Generating Customized Textile Sensor Layouts in Wearable Computing Yueyao Zhang;Nianchong Qu;Runhua Zhang;Ye Tao;Guanyun Wang;Qi Wang Poster
Sandbox AI: We Don't Trust Each Other but Want to Create New Value Efficiently Through Collaboration Using Sensitive Data Osamu Saisho;Keiichiro Kashiwagi;Sakiko Kawai;Kazuki Iwahana;Koki Mitani Poster
Stay Ahead of the Competition: An Approach for Churn Prediction by Leveraging Competitive Service App Usage Logs Hisao Katsumi;Kohsuke Kubota;Wataru Yamada;Keiichi Ochiai Poster
Inspire creativity with ORIBA: Transform Artists' Original Characters into Chatbots through Large Language Model Yuqian Sun;Xingyu Li;Jun Peng;Ze Gao Poster
SonarAuth: Using Around Device Sensing to Improve Smartwatch Behavioral Biometrics Jiwan Kim;Jongjin Park;Ian Oakley Poster
SleepABP: Noninvasive Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Based on Ballistocardiogram in Sleep State Zhi Tian;Hongbo Ni;Xiaoguang Yu;Alex Q. Chen Poster
Evaluating the Effect of the Color-Word Stroop Test and VR as a Psychological Stressor Arturo Morales Tellez;María Concepción Valdez Gastelum;Luis A. Castro;Monica Tentori Poster
Automatic, Manual, or Hybrid? A Preliminary Investigation of Users' Perception of Features for Supporting Notification Management Yong-Han Lin;Li-Ting Su;Uei-Dar Chen;Peng-Jui Wang;Yi-Chi Lee;Yung-Ju Chang Poster
AdJustMoment: Customize Your Ad Watching Experience Yu-Rou Lin;Li-Lun Lin;Cheng-Hsun Wang;Yung-Ju Chang Poster
Recognition of Engagement from Electrodermal Activity Data Across Different Contexts Leonardo Alchieri;Lidia Alecci;Nouran Abdalazim;Silvia Santini Poster
NotiSummary: Exploring the Potential of AI-Driven Text Summarization on Smartphone Notification Management Peng-Jui Wang;Yi-Chi Lee;Uei-Dar Chen;Yung-Ju Chang Poster
Investigating Mobile Mental Health App Designs to Foster Engagement Among Adolescents Quinn Burns;Stephen Voida Poster
TeleVIP: On-site Person Removal and Context Distillation Platform for Dedicated Telepresence Experience Mingyeol Kim;Inseok Hwang Poster
SocializeChat: a GPT-based AAC Tool for Social Communication Through Eye Gazing Yuyang Fang;Yunkai Xu;Zhuyu Teng;Zhaoqu Jiang;Wei Xiang Poster
WiCross: I Can Know When You Cross Using COTS WiFi Devices Weiyan Shi;Xuanzhi Wang;Kai Niu;Leye Wang;Daqing Zhang Poster
A Tailored Textile Sensor-based Wrap for Shoulder Complex Angles Monitoring Runhua Zhang;Yuanda Hu;Yuxuan He;Shiwen Fang;Bin Yu;Xiaohua Sun;Qi Wang Poster
WMGPT: Towards 24/7 Online Prime Counseling with ChatGPT Lismer Andres Caceres Najarro;Yonggeon Lee;Kobiljon E. Toshnazarov;Yoonhyung Jang;Hyungsook Kim;Youngtae Noh Poster


Demos showcase early implementations, prototypes, work-in-progress systems, and even commercial products to a broad audience. New technologies, new implementations or new applications, these sessions help attendees experience the expanse of Ubiquitous Computing in real life!

Title Authors Download Type
SpectraVue - An Interactive Web Application Enabling Rapid Data Visualization and Analysis for Wearable Spectroscopy Research Tarek Hamid; Insup Lee; Amanda Watson Demo
Demonstrating ProxiFit: Proximal Magnetic Sensing using a Single Commodity Mobile toward Holistic Weight Exercise Monitoring Jiha Kim;Younho Nam;Jungeun Lee;Young-Joo Suh;Inseok Hwang Demo
CityScouter: Exploring the Atmosphere of Urban Landscapes and Visitor Demands with Multimodal Data Yuki Kubota;Soto Anno;Tomomi Taniguchi;Kosei Miyazaki;Akira Tsujimoto;Hiraki Yasuda;Takayuki Sakamoto;Takaaki Ishikawa;Kota Tsubouchi;Masamichi Shimosaka Demo
Active 3D Mapping Leveraging Heterogeneous Crowd Robot based-on Reinforcement Learning Yigao Wang;Changzhen Liu;Yufei Wang;Shengjie Wu;Junxiang Ji;Wenting Zeng;Cheng Wang;Longbiao Chen Demo
CaptAinGlove: Capacitive and Inertial Fusion-Based Glove for Real-Time on Edge Hand Gesture Recognition for Drone Control Hymalai Bello;Sungho Suh;Daniel GeißLer;Lala Shakti Swarup Ray;Bo Zhou;Paul Lukowicz Demo
Anticipatory Hand Glove: Understanding Human Actions for Enhanced Interaction Jonas Schulz;Frank H. P. Fitzek;Giang T. Nguyen;Vu Nguyen;Patrick Seeling Demo
ToozKit: System for Experimenting with Captions on a Head-worn Display Peter Feng;David Martin;Thad Starner Demo
VoiceCogs: Interlocking Concurrent Voices for Separable Compressed Browsing with Screen Readers Jeongwon Choi;Inseok Hwang Demo
Tangible E-Textile Interactive Interface for Digital Patternmaking Olaitan Adeleke;Heidi Woelfle;Lucy E. Dunne Demo
Demonstrating AHA: Boosting Unmodified AI's Robustness by Proactively Inducing Favorable Human Sensing Conditions Sungjae Cho;Jaewoong Jang;Yoonsu Kim;Inseok Hwang Demo
An Interactive Workplace for Improving Human Robot Collaboration Markus Ikeda;Fabian Widmoser;Gernot Stübl;Setareh Zafari;Andreas Sackl;Andreas Pichler Demo

UbiComp / ISWC

Past Conferences

The ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) is the result of a merger of the two most renowned conferences in the field: Pervasive and UbiComp. While it retains the name of the latter in recognition of the visionary work of Mark Weiser, its long name reflects the dual history of the new event.

The ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing (ISWC) discusses novel results in all aspects of wearable computing, and has been colocated with UbiComp and Pervasive since 2013.

A complete list of UbiComp, Pervasive, and ISWC past conferences is provided below.