UbiComp / ISWC 2023
Call for Doctoral Colloquium
Deadline Extended: June 15, 2023
The joint UbiComp / ISWC Doctoral Colloquium (DC) is a unique opportunity for PhD students to present their key concepts and ideas to a premier scientific audience and to receive high-quality feedback from excellent external reviewers, a global scientific audience, and some of the best of their peers. The doctoral colloquium offers PhD students the valuable opportunity to engage in in-depth discussion on their work and gain exposure to a variety of perspectives that can help to strengthen and shape their work as they progress towards their degrees. Lively discussions, insights and novel ideas, and new opportunities for cooperation between research groups are also likely outcomes from participation.
PhD students/candidates are invited to present, discuss and defend their work-in-progress or preliminary results in the ubiquitous computing or wearable computing fields at the doctoral colloquium. PhD students and candidates at all stages in the process are invited to submit a thesis position paper, but preference is given to students who are still 1-2 years away from completing their PhDs. Preference will be given to applicants who are at a stage where a substantial portion of the research has been completed but are still far enough away from completion that feedback received can still influence the remaining research. Participants will be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the colloquium, to be followed by a discussion.
Students accepted in the DC will have conference and DC registration covered. We are working to secure other funding sources to support additional expenses for all DC students.
Summary of Key Dates
- June 15, 2023 (11.59pm AoE): Submission deadline
- June 30, 2023: Author Notification Date
- July 31, 2023 (11.59pm AoE): Camera Ready Deadline
October 9, 2023October 8, 2023: Doctoral Colloquium
Submission Guidelines:
Doctoral Colloquium submissions are not anonymized, must be up to 4 pages (excluding references), and are required to use the 2-column, ACM proceedings format (please refer to the UbiComp/ISWC templates and formatting).
The submission should clearly describe the following aspects:
- Problem statement
- Related Work
- Methodology
- Evaluation
- (Expected) Contribution
For relevant sections, clearly state what has been carried out so far and what is being proposed. Please observe the following additional guidelines: Your submission should clearly describe the following aspects:
- Provide CCS keywords (see the template for explanation); you may provide additional keywords if you wish to do so.
- We suggest using the five aspects listed above as chapter headings; if you think you have to divert from this skeleton, make sure that the five aspects come out clearly in your submission.
- Please also submit an additional page with a short biographical sketch, including the names and affiliations of your research advisor(s), the date when you began your PhD, and the expected date of completion.
- Use graphics and add references wisely.
Submission System
Submissions can be made at http://new.precisionconference.com/sigchi. Please select “SIGCHI” as Society, “UbiComp/ISWC 2023” as Conference/Journal, and “UbiComp/ISWC 2023 Doctoral Colloquium” as the track on the submission page.
Accepted submissions will be published in the UbiComp / ISWC 2023 adjunct proceedings, available through the ACM Digital Library.
Doctoral Colloquium Panel
In order to ensure high quality feedback and lively discussions for every presentation, we will convene a panel of globally renowned experts with a strong background in PhD supervision. The panel composition will be announced in due time.
For questions please feel free to contact the Doctoral Colloquium Chairs at dc-2023@ubicomp.org
Submission Deadline:
June 15, 2023
Author Notification Date:
July 6th, 2023
Camera-Ready Deadline:
July 31, 2023
Doctoral Colloquium in Cancun:
October 8, 2023