UbiComp / ISWC 2023
Gadget Show
October 10, 2023 | Cozumel A | 7pm
We are happy to announce that UbiComp/ISWC 2023 will host the traditional Gadget Show on October 10, as part of the Opening Reception!
The Gadget Show is without registration. Just cue up at the beginning of the show and present your newest Gadget! We encourage also those that show a demo or a poster to show their Gadget to the audience.
Prof. Dr. Paul Lukowitz

Paul Lukowicz is Full Professor of AI at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in Germany where he is heading the Embedded Intelligence group at DFKI. His research focus are context-aware ubiquitous and wearable systems including sensing, pattern recognition, system architectures, models of large-scale self-organized systems, and applications. Paul Lukowicz coordinates the FP7-FET SOCIONICAL projects, is Associate Editor in Chief of IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, and has been serving as TPC Chair of a number of international events in the area.